by Cathy | Jul 10, 2023 | Advertising, Business, Events, Health Coach Mastery Event, Marketing
SUBSCRIPTIONS EQUAL STEADY INCOME Solidify Your Health Coaching Business With Subscription Revenue updated from Mar 28, 2017 Look at how many different memberships you have.  For business, there’s Infusionsoft, Hootsuite, Social Sprout, Ring Central,...
by Cathy | Jun 10, 2019 | Advertising, Business, Marketing
Updated and republished from 3/2017 HOW TO GET MORE CUSTOMERS? You Must Advertise Many consumers don’t know what they want, where to get it, or even, once they get it, how to use it. Â If you don’t tell them you have it, they’ll never know. As a...
by Cathy | Jul 21, 2018 | Advertising, Business, Marketing, Opt-ins, Social Media, The Inner Circle
EXPAND YOUR MARKETING WITH CLEVER IDEAS Building Revenue Streams for Health Coaches EXPAND YOUR MARKETING With Clever Ideas The most successful advertising is often the most clever.  So, have you gotten into a rut with your advertising?  Expand your marketing with...
by Cathy | Sep 26, 2017 | Advertising, Business, Marketing, Opt-ins, Social Media, Uncategorized
Healthy Holidays Help Your Customers Through the Holidays It has been an annual tradition of mine to assemble a group of friends, family, and clients and go through the weeks before the holidays with attainable goals, gratitude, inspiration, and acknowledgment of the...
by Cathy | May 4, 2017 | Advertising, Business, Marketing, Opt-ins, Social Media, The Inner Circle
DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS With Referrals Loyal clients come back to us year after year.  The value of any one client goes up with their satisfaction.  Happy clients return more often and purchase more. Our reputation depends on loyal customers.  One happy client will tell...
by Cathy | Mar 25, 2017 | Advertising, Business, Events, Health Coach Mastery Event, Marketing
CREATE YOUR OWN MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM Find Your SuperPowers and Share We started talking about membership programs a few months ago.  I’d like to work with a small group of health coaches to create membership sites that generates a guaranteed monthly...
by Cathy | Oct 5, 2016 | Advertising, Blogs, Business, For Health Coaches, Marketing, Niche, Opt-ins, Social Media, Website
Healthy Holidays 15 Tips to Fill Your Group Leads equal money. Whether you consider the people who are in your program to be leads or if you get leads to fill your programs, the more the better. Cathy Sykora Founder, The Health Coach Group...
by Cathy | May 7, 2016 | Advertising, Blogs, Business, Marketing, Niche, Opt-ins, SEO, Social Media, Website
Don’t do it all yourself. The BIG secret. “The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference...
by Cathy | Apr 28, 2016 | Advertising, Business, Website
No Money? Â Don’t Let That Stop You. When I started my first business, my investment was $450.00 – total – that was back in 1982. Â It was an interior design business. Â I had a folding table, calculator, sewing machine and a lot of focus and...
by Cathy | Mar 28, 2016 | Advertising, Business, Opt-ins, Social Media, Website
Call to Action What and Why? A CTA, or call to action is imperative in any kind of marketing. Â It is imperative in online marketing. Â A Call to action tells your prospect what they should do. Â It is designed to provoke an immediate response. ...
by Cathy | Jan 30, 2016 | Advertising, Marketing, Niche, Opt-ins, Partners, Social Media, Uncategorized
Ha! I bet you’ve heard… We’re expanding our group. We’ve stepped back into the world of MLM’s with both feet and immersed our heads as well. If my marketing skills are any good ….you should know by now. Before...
by Cathy | Jan 7, 2016 | Advertising, Blogs, Marketing, Niche, Opt-ins, SEO, Social Media, Website
I wrote a blog last year that gave 50 ways to get new customers. Now I’m working with my new USANA team to find out how to build their businesses and get new customers and decided you all could use this information as it applies to adding quality products to...