by Cathy | Jul 21, 2018 | Advertising, Business, Marketing, Opt-ins, Social Media, The Inner Circle
EXPAND YOUR MARKETING WITH CLEVER IDEAS Building Revenue Streams for Health Coaches EXPAND YOUR MARKETING With Clever Ideas The most successful advertising is often the most clever.  So, have you gotten into a rut with your advertising?  Expand your marketing with...
by Cathy | Dec 9, 2017 | 1 Business, Coaching, Education, Events, Marketing, Sales, THCG PRODUCTS
{{ PRIVATE }} For Health Coaches Who Want to Know WHAT A WEEK!!! I have received everything from the most beautiful thank you notes to the meanest, nastiest notes you can ever imagine. They were from people I never dreamed would send them too. Who would send a note...
by Cathy | Jul 2, 2017 | Business, DSD, Marketing, THCG PRODUCTS, Website
Website Safety Tips 5 Essential Tips to Protect Your Website and Your Business Our sites no longer get hacked. Â That’s right! Â You heard me! Â We have DSDIII – this is the way it should have been all along. Â Above anything else, we decided it was of number...
by Cathy | May 11, 2017 | Acceptance, Business, Love and Belonging, Self Actualization, The Inner Circle
PRETTY THINGS How a Shortcoming Made Good At one time, Tony Robbins was offering a personality assessment with one of his programs and, my assessment came back to say that I cared too much (valued) about beauty.  It’s true.  I not only wanted to be pretty...
by Cathy | May 4, 2017 | Advertising, Business, Marketing, Opt-ins, Social Media, The Inner Circle
DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS With Referrals Loyal clients come back to us year after year.  The value of any one client goes up with their satisfaction.  Happy clients return more often and purchase more. Our reputation depends on loyal customers.  One happy client will tell... by Cathy | Oct 22, 2016 | Stock the Shelves, THCG PRODUCTS, The Inner Circle
MEET THE INNER CIRCLE Karen Sasine, Product Specialist, and Business Coach Takes You on a Tour Watch the 60 minute video to see how to navigate and get the most from The Inner Circle Membership Welcome Inner Circle from The Health Coach Group on...
by Cathy | Aug 27, 2016 | Business, Stock the Shelves, THCG PRODUCTS, The Inner Circle
The Inner Circle Story Sit Down and Take Your Shoes Off The weekend before my session started I attended the New York IIN conference with my friend Susan. That was where I figured out what I wanted to do with my education. The auditorium was full of so...