by Cathy | Dec 9, 2017 | 1 Business, Coaching, Education, Events, Marketing, Sales, THCG PRODUCTS
{{ PRIVATE }} For Health Coaches Who Want to Know WHAT A WEEK!!! I have received everything from the most beautiful thank you notes to the meanest, nastiest notes you can ever imagine. They were from people I never dreamed would send them too. Who would send a note...
by Cathy | Feb 2, 2017 | Business, Coaching, Education, For Health Coaches
My Critique of B-School Don’t Wait Another Year! I’ve already shared how much I gained from the program (over and over), so I am going to take a few minutes to do a “no holds barred” critique of her program. It is a lot of money to invest, so...
by Cathy | Dec 27, 2015 | Business, Education
Making small adjustments in our daily life can make a huge impact on reaching our goals. write Spend a minimum of 10 minutes writing. While writing: Designate your 3 most important tasks each morning. List 3 things you did well yesterday. List 1...
by Cathy | Dec 19, 2015 | Education, Self Care
I just returned from Sanoviv Medical Institute for the Health and Education Retreat. I got this cool certification. Patti Rugg, founder of Rugg Wellness invited me to go with her group. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It was life changing. You know, you...
by Cathy | Oct 21, 2012 | Integrative Nutrition, Uncategorized
A Significantly different view of the IIN Conference! Thanks to IIN, I was able to “attend” the New York conference this weekend from my kitchen! I was able to prepare this weeks meals, clean and get some paperwork done while I was listening to Dr....