The Art of Aging

The Art of Aging

The Art of Aging Get a Head Start Well, that sounds pretty funny.  Who would want to get a head start on aging?  Me!   A big plus to marrying a man 10 years older than me, aside from being the man of my dreams for nearly 40 years, is that I get a 10-year warning on...
9 Top Fitness Tips

9 Top Fitness Tips

This week begins the first of our weekly guest blogs from health professionals. Guest Blog   With the holiday season passing, many of us are resolving to shed pounds, reclaim our health, or be more active.   Gyms and fitness equipment companies are basking in...

6 Gifts From Walking….

I ran a 5k …unprepared on Saturday, with an 8-year-old who was the energizer bunny!  I woke up this morning and could barely walk.  I will roll at lunch time, but for this morning, I got out and walked 3 miles. I forgot how nice it feels to walk.  We...

Health Reform – For Real

I am taking another break in my series on organization to talk about something that is on everyone’s tongue right now…health care reform.  The health care plan has found everyone with an opinion, and they are strong opinions.  It is a subject that has...

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