Riana Milne, How Past, Unconscious Childhood Trauma Impacts Adults in Life, Health & Love
Podcast 272
- Riana’s work as a life, love, and relationship coach
- Top 10 traumas that can impact children
- How childhood traumas hold people back in their love relationships as they get older
- Some examples of destructive and self-sabotaging patterns that can emerge in dating, relationships, business, or within oneself due to unhealed childhood trauma
- Common relationship issues that stem from childhood trauma, like people-pleasing, jealousy/control, attraction to toxic partners
- Conscious dating and taking time to vet potential partners instead of relying solely on chemistry
- The key qualities of emotionally healthy, evolved relationships – solid foundation, flexibility, fidelity, friendship, and fun
- How to recognize if your relationship issues stem from unresolved childhood trauma
- Can unconscious trauma be healed, and what happens if no action is taken to heal the unconscious trauma
- Riana’s advice to people struggling with past trauma and looking to build better relationships
- How Riana helps people overcome their past and find emotional healing
Riana Milne has close to 25 years of experience as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and expert, Certified Life, Love Trauma Recovery & Mindset Coach, and is recognized internationally for her trademarked Life & Love Transformation Coaching Systems. Awarded “One of the Top 15 Transformation Coaches Globally” in Dec. 2023 by NY Weekly Magazine, and the “Top 10 Coaches to Follow” by Wealth Insider Magazine; she was also featured in Forbes, Disrupt Magazine, Influencer Daily, and on many websites’ publications. Riana graces the cover of the September 2023 Fashion Republic Magazine, which also includes an in-depth profile of her Coaching, Counseling, and modeling careers,
Riana was honored with the 2022 GIVA International Award for Top Female Entrepreneur of the Year and Top Global Wellness Coach, and The Global Trade Chamber named her “One of the 100 Most Successful Women Around the World” in 2021.
Riana is also an Advanced Cert. Clinical Trauma and Addictions Professional at her company, Lessons in Life & Love Coaching LLC; and is globally recognized for her podcast, Lessons in Life & Love, and her #1 Bestsellers, LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve and LIVE Beyond Your Dreams – from Fear & Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success, which address healing from both Childhood Trauma and Traumatic Relationships, by learning The Mindset for Success, Personal Transformation, and Creating Conscious Loving Relationships with oneself and others. Her website is https://RianaMilne.com where she offers many free resources for Singles and Couples.
Mentioned In This Episode:
Riana’s website: https://RianaMilne.com
Riana’s flow page for other resources: https://flow.page/rianamilne/
LOVE Beyond Your Dreams Book: http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook
LIVE Beyond Your Dreams Book: http://bit.ly/LIVEbook
Free eBook – Have the Love You Deserve: https://RianaMilne.com
Get Two Free Reports: Signs of Toxic Relationships and What is the Emotionally Healthy Relationship?: https://bit.ly/LifeandLoveBundle
Lessons in Life & Love Podcast: https://rianamilne.com/podcast/
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