List Building for Beginners
Any kind of business – brick and mortar or online, need clients and potential clients. The people who make up this group for your business is called your list.
Online email lists are the most cost efficient way to do that.
For years I snail mailed 24,000 people every 3 months. That was expensive…there was the client list, the bought mailing list, printing and postage, but, it paid off.
History shows that a business that continues to advertise, continues to flourish, during good economic times and bad.
Today, with the internet and FREE email, it is EASY to grow a list.
Brick and Mortar List Building
Online List Building
The sooner you start growing your list, the sooner you will begin to see your business grow.
As you can see in the illustrations above, it is important that you build your list from several sources. Your sources for your online list will not be the same as a brick and mortar business. The source for one business may not be the best for all businesses. That is where experimentation and split testing comes in handy.
Once you have the list…follow through on your promises. Be consistent in your communication efforts and give them lots of free information. You don’t have to give it all away, but give them enough to help them and make sure it is good, qualified and resourced information.
To learn more about building your list, and other great tips, sign up for the exclusive The Health Coach Group Newsletter now!
Chime in below and let us know what you are struggling with in your list building effort. Let us know what is working for you too!
Great information! Thanks!
Listssssss! ha! I have been working on my own list. Thanks for the encouragement
I got serious about my list last August, and I am finding that I am sort of plateauing at 1,000 subscribers. I guest post, advertise and fully engage in lots of social media…I’d love to hear more about how you built yours!
List building is one of my big goals for 2013. I love your infograph on all the ways to build your list online. I’d love to hear more of your tips on how to actually get people to subscribe too! Thanks!
Thanks, Cathy! You are inspiration! I am focusing a lot of energy on building my list this year! I appreciate you sharing your wisdom with us! What are some of the things your offer to get people to sign up?
Emily, it has been my experience that people sign up regardless of whether i give something free or not. i have a great “Loyal customers” e-book. Most people think you need a free offer though.
Hi Cathy
I also like the graphic and since I am new to this too will really be interested in how to do this and any suggestions you may have.
Thank you again for a great post I will be back to read it again and more too. 🙂
Hi Cathy, I love your diagram. It really helps me think about my own list building and where all the leads could possibly come from. I also know what great success you’ve had at building your list so just know this comes from a place of ‘tried and tested’. Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge. Sarah
List building is so important! You’re absolutely right. And there are so many avenues to try and bring people into your ‘circle’. You really have to look out for them. Thanks for the reminder!
As always – great advice and help in the world of how we can grow our business. Thanks Cathy!
I never thought that it takes a collection of sources to build ones list. Thank you for the amazing visual!
So cool. How in the world did you create that info-graphic? Do tell. Thanks, Cathy, as always your informative articles really make a lot of sense and are easy to put into practical use.
Great advice. Love the mind map format. Would be curious to know your thoughts on “referral programs” as a way to build your list! Thanks for sharing this.
Wonderful! This reminds me to KISS everything — KEEP IT Simple, SILLY! Thank you for keeping health coaching simple for us and clearly outlining what we need to do to get our practices going & thriving! “kisses” 🙂
Thank you for your informative articles. This is one of my goals for this year and is a reminder to get going on this important TASK!
Definitely on my list of things to focus on for 2013. You’ve set a great example to follow Cathy!