Walking for Health

by | Apr 20, 2024 | 01 Blog, 01B Wellness | 0 comments

The Benefits of Walking

Walking is not only one of the most accessible forms of exercise but also increasingly recognized for its extensive health benefits.Here are six compelling benefits of walking that might surprise you:

1. Counteracts the Effects of Weight-Promoting Genes
A study involving over 12,000 participants conducted by Harvard researchers discovered that brisk walking for about an hour a day could cut the impact of 32 obesity-promoting genes in half.

2. Helps Tame a Sweet Tooth
Research from the University of Exeter found that a 15-minute walk can significantly curb cravings for chocolate and reduce the amount of chocolate consumed in stressful situations. Further studies confirm walking’s effectiveness in reducing cravings and intake of various sugary snacks.

3. Reduces the Risk of Developing Breast Cancer
An American Cancer Society study found that women who walked seven or more hours a week had a 14% lower risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who walked three hours or fewer per week. This protective effect was observed even in women with risk factors like obesity or hormone use.

4. Eases Joint Pain
Walking not only reduces arthritis-related pain but also helps prevent the condition, particularly osteoarthritis in critical joints such as the knees and hips. Walking five to six miles a week can protect joints by lubricating them and strengthening supporting muscles.

5. Boosts Immune Function
Regular walking decreases the number of sick days during the cold and flu seasons. A study showed that individuals walking at least 20 minutes a day, five days a week, experienced 43% fewer sick days than those who exercised infrequently or not at all. If they did get sick, the duration and severity of their symptoms were notably lessened.

6. Increases Energy Levels
Walking increases oxygen flow throughout the body and leads to a higher secretion of hormones that help elevate energy levels. This can result in feeling more awake and alert throughout the day. Additionally, regular light exercise, like walking, improves overall sleep quality, which can significantly affect energy levels and cognitive function.

Walking Workout Plan
To maximize these benefits, consider the following graduated walking plan which accommodates different fitness levels:

For Beginners:
Duration: Start with 10-15 minutes per day.
Pace: Gentle to moderate; should be able to converse comfortably.
Frequency: 5 days a week.
For Intermediate Walkers:
Duration: Build up to 30-45 minutes per day.
Pace: Brisk; speaking should be doable, but it’ll take effort.
Frequency: 5-6 days a week.
For Advanced Walkers:
Duration: Extend to 45-60 minutes per day.
Pace: Fast; conversation is challenging.
Frequency: Daily.

Incorporating walking into your daily routine is a simple, effective way to enhance physical health and mental well-being. Start today and make walking a foundational part of your lifestyle to enjoy these myriad benefits. Happy walking!


Health coaches play a crucial role in promoting walking as a fundamental health activity. With their expertise in motivation and behavior change, health coaches can be instrumental in helping clients incorporate walking into their daily routines, ensuring they gain the full spectrum of health benefits. Here’s how health coaches can facilitate this process:

1. Setting Personalized Goals
Health coaches work with clients to set achievable, personalized walking goals based on their current fitness level, health conditions, and personal preferences. This could range from short walks to longer, brisk walks depending on the individual’s capability and progress.

2. Developing Structured Programs
Coaches can develop structured walking programs that gradually increase intensity and duration to meet health objectives, such as weight loss, improved mental health, or enhanced cardiovascular health. They can include interval walking, scenic routes, and various walking styles (e.g., Nordic walking) to keep the program engaging.

3. Educating on Benefits
Educating clients about the specific benefits of walking, as detailed earlier, helps to motivate them. Understanding how walking counters obesity genes, eases joint pain, or boosts the immune system provides strong incentives for individuals to stick with their walking programs.

4. Accountability
Health coaches keep clients accountable, a key factor in maintaining a new exercise regimen. Regular check-ins via apps, calls, or sessions help clients stay on track and make adjustments to their walking routines as needed.

5. Integrating Technology
Utilizing pedometers, fitness trackers, or smartphone apps, health coaches can help clients monitor their steps, track their routes, and visually see their progress, enhancing motivation. They can set up challenges or goals, like “10,000 steps a day,” and help interpret the data to provide informed feedback.

6. Overcoming Barriers
Coaches can identify and help overcome personal and environmental barriers that might deter clients from walking. Whether it’s finding safe, accessible places to walk or overcoming personal fears about exercising outdoors, coaches can provide practical solutions and support.

7. Support Groups and Community Building
Creating walking groups or challenges among clients can leverage peer support, which is often a significant motivator. Health coaches can organize group walks, challenges, and events to build a community around walking.

8. Holistic Health Focus
Health coaches emphasize the role of walking in overall wellness, including mental health, physical health, and emotional well-being. By integrating walking into a broader health and wellness plan, which can also include nutrition and mindfulness, coaches ensure a holistic approach.

9. Behavioral Change Techniques
Using techniques such as motivational interviewing, health coaches help clients find intrinsic motivation for walking. They work to change any negative perceptions about exercise and build positive associations with walking.

10. Customization for Health Conditions
For clients with specific health issues, such as arthritis or diabetes, health coaches tailor walking plans that accommodate and address these conditions without exacerbating symptoms.

Call to Action for Health Coaches
Start by assessing your client’s current activity level and health status, and then introduce them to the structured benefits of walking. Use tools and knowledge to craft personalized, enjoyable, and sustainable walking plans. Your guidance can make walking a powerful tool for your clients’ health transformations.

Health coaches are uniquely positioned to make walking a central component of wellness for their clients, transforming this simple activity into a cornerstone of a healthier lifestyle. By supporting and guiding clients through the process, coaches not only improve individual health outcomes but also contribute to a broader cultural shift towards more active lifestyles.



To effectively integrate and promote walking as a key component of a health and wellness practice, health coaches can benefit from various resources that expand their knowledge and toolkit. Here’s a list of resources, including educational materials, tools, and community connections that can help health coaches be more effective:

Educational Resources

1.  Books and eBooks:

    • “Walk Your Way to Better Health” by Dr. Michele Stanten: This book provides a comprehensive plan that adjusts to reader’s fitness level.
    • “The Walking Solution” by Leslie Sansone: Offers insights into how walking can be used as an effective exercise for weight loss, strength, and cardiovascular health.

2.  Online Courses:

    • ACE Fitness Walking Certification: A course that offers fitness professionals the tools to increase physical activity among clients, focusing on walking.
    • The Walking Site’s Coach Certification: Specializes in training coaches to develop effective walking programs for groups and individuals.

3.  Research Papers and Articles:

    • Access the latest studies and articles via Google Scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect. These focus on topics such as the benefits of walking in combating chronic diseases, mental health improvements, and community health promotion.

Tools for Implementation

1.  Pedometers and Fitness Trackers:

    • Encourage using devices like Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, or apps such as Pacer and StepsApp to track steps, monitor progress, and set daily or weekly goals.

2.  Walking Apps:

    • MapMyWalk: Users can track and map their routes, share their progress with friends, and get challenged.
    • AllTrails: Great for finding new trails and tracking progress on natural terrain, enhancing the walking experience.

3.  Software for Planning and Monitoring:

    • Trainerize: This software allows health coaches to create personalized training programs that can include walking plans integrated with overall fitness goals.
    • MyFitnessPal: Useful for integrating nutritional tracking with physical activity like walking.


Community and Support

1.  Create or Join Walking Groups:

    • Utilizing platforms like Meetup or Facebook Groups to start or join walking clubs which help clients stay motivated through community support.

2.  Workshops and Webinars:

    • Host or attend events focused on the benefits of walking, proper techniques, and motivational strategies to engage clients and the community.

3.  Partnerships with Local Organizations:

    • Partner with local healthcare providers, community centers, or parks to create sponsored walks, encouraging community participation and increasing visibility.

Promotional Materials

1.  Brochures and Flyers:

    • Design informative brochures that outline the benefits of walking, tips for starting a walking routine, and success stories of individuals or groups who have benefited from walking.

2.  Social Media Campaigns:

    • Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to promote walking challenges, share educational content, and celebrate client achievements.

3.  Email Newsletters:

    • Regular newsletters can provide tips, new walking routes, motivational quotes, and client testimonials to keep the walking community engaged and informed.

Professional Development

1.  Continuing Education:

    • Pursue further fitness and wellness certifications that focus on walking and incorporate comprehensive lifestyle coaching.

2.  Networking:

    • Attend industry conferences, seminars, and local meet-ups to connect with other health professionals who can share insights and referrals.

Using these resources, health coaches can effectively promote walking as a critical element of wellness programs tailored to meet their client’s diverse needs. These tools help create personalized and effective walking plans and motivate clients through education, technology, and community support. Start enriching your practice today with these comprehensive resources to help your clients achieve better health!

Remember to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice, especially if you have specific health concerns or conditions.

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